A life lived in fullness from a happy career doing what she loves, sitting behind a mic, Kalekye piled up some excess weight. She always walked tall in her plus size body and never once felt like it made her less attractive despite dabbling with random diets over the years. She had braved having a skin condition known as psoriasis at a time when not many Africans had ever even heard of the condition that left ones skin scaly and dry looking scary so being a little heavy was nothing she could not handle. Kalekye however was clear that the day her weight affected her health, she would do something about it. And that day finally came just before her 39th Birthday.
After a series of flights doing some travel, Kalekye’s feet began to swell and ache. The condition persisted for 3 months before she decided to seek medical attention. The discovery that there was a potential threat of a blood clot and that without losing the weight the issue would keep recurring sent her into her first mind over matter weight loss and healthy lifestyle regime.
Though her journey was purely for herself the end result was a cry from her fans to help them achieve and maintain the same way she had. She then decided to motivate people to be the best version of themselves no matter what with a YouTube show called The Me I Want which discussed her full journey including the lessons learnt and most frequently asked questions and struggle. It included features including ‘Walk & Talk’ – a power walk interview with people who are either, struggling with their weight, whether big or small and those success stories that could inspire others.
Now her health journey as a 40 something year old has a whole new twist to it and the journey is only just beginning.